Clearing the complexity : From Kubernetes to GCP Cloud Run

I’m working in an IT service company, where I’ve been introduced to a new project last year. The stack is not so boring, every services use Typescript with Hasura as a GraphQL API and PostgreSQL as a PaaS on GCP. All of the services were deployed across two environments on two different GKE clusters and a dedicated PostgreSQL instance. These clusters had each two nodes. With the costs of the Kubernetes Engine, Compute Engine (with a total of 4 VMs where the nodes are installed), and Cloud SQL (2 PostgreSQL instances). The monthly billing was averaging 600 euros. ...

August 21, 2023 · Arnaud Peralta

Never use Docker Compose again for production

Why using Docker Compose for production is bad? OK, that’s a bit misleading, it’s not THAT bad. With compose, you are defining your services with a simple YAML file and you can pull images from your registry. So, with a good integration and a correct deploy script, you can have a good experience with Docker Compose on production. When I say, it’s bad, it’s because you are one command away from using Docker Swarm, a simple container orchestrator, defined for production usage. ...

May 8, 2023 · Arnaud Peralta

I use the QWERTY layout, and everyone thinks I'm crazy

Why I switched from AZERTY I’m french, I have been using AZERTY since my young age. My phone, my computer keyboards, and my laptop has the AZERTY layout, but I changed this 2 years ago for the US QWERTY layout. Most of my coworkers and friends think I’m a nerd and don’t understand the point of my change, but I will never go back again. Disadvantages Here is the AZERTY layout : ...

May 6, 2023 · Arnaud Peralta

GNU Make, you know it, now use it !

Here is a scenario that you have probably already experienced: you intervene on a new project and your first reflex is to read the README file to understand what is going on, then starting your development. You begin to realize that this README is no longer very up-to-date and that some versions have changed. You advance by trial and error then give up by asking for help from another developer to finish your installation. ...

January 21, 2023 · Arnaud Peralta

WSL + X Server + i3 : The good way to develop on Windows.

During my university years, I searched a good way to work as a developper when I’m forced to work on Windows. At the very beginning, I started the web developpment with WampServer and upgraded to WSL2 with a Ubuntu distribution. However, I was not really satisfied as my work environnment was not fully on GNU/Linux. As a web developper, I always found out that working on a different OS than the deployment server was very silly. This is why I “fully” work in a linux environnment even if my computer is running Windows. ...

March 25, 2022 · Arnaud Peralta